Zuilma Gabriela Sigurdadottir, Iceland
Zuilma Gabriela Sigurdadottir, Iceland
10th EABA Conference Tampere, Finland. It was a fantastic couple of days at our 10th Conference of...
9th -11th September 2020 Tampere, Finland Event Cancelled It is with deepest regret that we must...
Secretary: Christoph Bordlein, Germany Treasurer: Hanna Steinunn Steingrímsdóttir, Iceland Basic...
Cadiz, Spain 93 attended the EABA summer school 2017 50% were from Spain, 22% from the USA,...
The first elections of the Hellenic Community of Behavior Analysis took place in November 26th,...
Secretary: Christoph Bordlein, Germany Treasurer: Karola Dillenburger, UK Basic science...
The selection committee agreed on granting this year‘s awards to: 1) Anastasia Salma, a PhD...
The 1st Summer School of the European Association for Behaviour Analysis took place on the...
Secretary: Christoph Bordlein, Germany Treasurer: Karola Dillenburger, UK Basic science...
April - August 2014 European Journal of Behaviour Analysis (EJOBA) is published by Taylor &...
Association for Behaviour Analysis Finland (Suomen Kayttaytymasanalyysin Seura ry. Sallksapet for...
Secretary: Borge Stromgren, Norway Treasurer: Karola Dillenburger, UK Basic science...
Secretary: Borge Stromgren, Norway Treasurer: Lise Roll-Pedersen, Sweden Basic science...
The first National Member Organisation (NMO) of EABA.
Secretary: Borge Stromgren, Norway Treasurer: Lise Roll-Pedersen, Sweden Basic science...
Secretary: Javier Virues-Ortega, Spain Treasurer: Nanni Presti, Italy Basic science...
Discussions on the development of a European Association were continued at the first international ABAI...
In the EABG 2000 meeting Phil Reed was appointed interim President of EABA by the attendees of the...
Discussions on how to develop a European Association was continued at the EABG Conference in London.
The decision was taken to formally establish a European Association for Behaviour Analysis. At the...
The meeting at the EMEAB IV Conference in Amience France appointed Professor Fergus Lowe to serve...
The discussions on the establishment of a European Association of Behaviour Analysis continued at...
The idea to form a European Association for Behaviour Analysis was launched at an informal meeting at the...