The selection committee agreed on granting this year‘s awards to: 1) Anastasia Salma, a PhD student in Panteion University in Greece. Ms. Salma’s dissertation research is a conceptual and theoretical analysis of the effects of differential reinforcement of variability (VAR) schedules that emerged in an analysis of failures to generate desired levels of variability in autistic children. Ms. Salma will use the award to purchase experimental equipment, including a computer. 2) Ruth Kopperud, MA student at Oslo and Akershus University College. Ruth’s research focuses on methods to teach discrimination between benign and malignant melanoma. Ms Kopperud will use the award to get professional artists to design the necessary stimuli to be used in the discrimination training.
The board of EABA is very happy to announce that a three member election committee selected two awardees for the 2016 B. F. Skinner Foundation award. The award will be delivered at our upcoming bi-annual conference in Enna, Sicily. Each award is 500 euros.
EABA received a total of 5 applications, one for research in applied behavior analysis and four for experimental research, two of them can be regarded as translational research.
1) Anastasia Salma, a PhD student in Panteion University in Greece. Ms. Salma’s dissertation research is a conceptual and theoretical analysis of the effects of differential reinforcement of variability (VAR) schedules that emerged in an analysis of failures to generate desired levels of variability in autistic children. Ms. Salma will use the award to purchase experimental equipment, including a computer.
2) Ruth Kopperud, MA student at Oslo and Akershus University College. Ruth’s research focuses on methods to teach discrimination between benign and malignant melanoma. Ms Kopperud will use the award to get professional artists to design the necessary stimuli to be used in the discrimination training.
The committee and EABA board was very pleased to realize the numerous important and well designed research projects about to be executed by students of behavior analysis in Europe. The board looks forward to witnessing the growth of behavior analysis research in Europe."
Zuilma Gabriela Sigurðardóttir, Ph.D.
EABA President