What Is Behaviour Analysis      

EABA By-Laws

By-Laws of the European Association for Behaviour Analysis

(Articles of Association)

Article I – Name

The name of this Association shall be EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR BEHAVIOUR ANALYSIS (EABA), hereafter referred to as ‘the Association’.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of the Association shall be to foster the development of behaviour analysis within all European countries and serve as an international forum within Europe for the study and discussion of matters relevant to the theoretical, experimental and applied analysis of behaviour.

Specifically, the Association shall:

  1. Serve as a scientific and professional reference group either for those in Europe who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of behaviour analysis, or for the interested public.
  2. Promote research and scholarship in Europe focused on the development of a coherent and progressive behaviour analytic science.
  3. Establish and maintain relations between behaviour analysis organizations inside and outside Europe.
  4. Promote the development of useful basic principles, workable applied theories linked to these principles, effective applied technologies based on these theories, and successful means of training and disseminating these developments.
  5. Promote the development of a view of science that values a dynamic, ongoing interaction between its conceptual, basic and applied elements, and between practical application and empirical knowledge.
  6. Promote the development in Europe of a community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non- discriminatory, and mutually supportive way to produce valued outcomes and to explore the additional implications of this work.
  7. Connect Universities, and Research Centres, and encourage high quality education and professional certification throughout Europe within the field of behaviour analysis.
  8. To organize and sponsor forums, conferences (including its own bi-annual conference), newsletters, journals, websites, e-lists and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the Association.

Article III – Individual Membership

EABA membership is open to anyone with a demonstrated interest in behaviour analysis and who is committed to the goals of the Association as stated above.

a) Categories of Membership

Members of the Association shall be persons who:

  1. Are interested in the advancement of behaviour analysis and practice 
  2. Are in agreement with the objectives of EABA (as set out above) and
  3. Pay an annual fee as determined by the EABA Board of Directors

EABA consists of full (voting) members and different categories of non-voting members. Affiliate and student members are non- voting membership categories.

A full member is anyone holding a terminal degree in a discipline which is directly related to or involving behaviour analysis and whose full-time professional commitments include teaching, research and/or practice in behaviour analysis. To become a full member of the Association the following requirements must be met:

  1. Completion of a university degree or college diploma in a related field, and
  2. Employment for at least one year (in a professional capacity) within education, social services, health services, or other related fields which involve the application of behaviour analytic principles, and which are approved by the membership committee or
  3. Professional qualification in behaviour analysis evidenced by BACB certification or equivalent qualification in the applicant’s country of residence, and approved by the membership committee.

Those interested in joining who do not meet these requirements may apply for affiliate or student (non-voting) membership status and still enjoy the benefits of being a member of EABA. An affiliate or student member is typically an individual who is interested in the discipline of behaviour analysis but who lacks formal training or who is pursuing formal training on a full-time basis in the discipline of behaviour analysis.

Full members shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of the Association without restriction. The minimum standard for election to professional membership shall be completion of a terminal degree relevant to the purposes of the Association.

Student and Affiliate members shall be people currently enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level in an area of relevance to the purposes of the Association or individuals supportive of the purposes of the Association.

Standards for member status in the Association and benefits shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Full and Affiliate membership cycles will be 2, 4, or 6 years. Student membership cycles will be 1 year. Membership fees are set by the Board of Directors of the Association.

Membership shall be considered without discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

A membership committee is nominated by the Board of Directors every two years to oversee the membership process.

b) Good Standing

To remain a member in good standing, an individual must be no more than 9 months in arrears with respect to any dues and assessments and should continue to work within a field involving the application of behaviour analysis.

c) Voting

All full members of EABA have voting rights. Each full member shall be entitled to one vote on all matters brought before the Association. There shall be no proxy voting. The voting status of other members as it applies to particular issues may be decided by the Board of Directors. Voting is organised by the EABA Secretary and is conducted either by show of hands (for a public meeting) or electronically (via the EABA website or any other web-based application that the EABA Board agree to use).

Article IV – Affiliated Chapters

Affiliated chapters are organisations associated with EABA who share the goal of disseminating and developing behaviour analysis internationally.  Chapters are interested in contributing to the well-being of society through development, enhancement, and support of the science of behaviour analysis through research, education, and practice. 


Affiliated chapters should:

  • Share the values of EABA to enhance well-being in society through the development of and growth of the science of behaviour analysis.
  • Promote basic principles of good governance, due diligence, and care in the oversight and management of operations.
  • Link the EABA website to the chapter’s website (if applicable).
  • Provide disclaimers on any position or policy statements, to indicate that the positions are those of the chapter and not of EABA.
  • Operate in alignment with EABA’s diversity policy


EABA will provide:

  • Space for business meetings at the bi-annual conference
  • Opportunities for dissemination and promotion including a link to the affiliated chapter on the EABA website. 
  • Free Expo poster space at the bi-annual conference.
  • Opportunity to advertise through the EABA mailing list.
  • An opportunity to contribute to the annual EABA newsletter regarding the chapter’s recent activities. 

Article V – Governing Body, Duties, and Terms of Office

The governing body of EABA shall consist of a Board of Directors comprised of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Basic Science, and an Applied Science representative and a non-voting affiliate or student. The President, Secretary, Treasurer, Basic Science, and Applied Science representatives shall constitute the voting members of the Board of Directors.

Each shall perform the usual duties of the respective office and specific duties provided elsewhere in these by-laws or as assigned by the Board of Directors.

President: with overall responsibility for the development of EABA, calling meetings, organising working parties to deal with specific issues, organising a committee to hold bi- annual conferences, and organising EABA Board of Director elections.

Treasurer: with responsibility for managing the EABA account, collection of membership fees and conference registration fees, and to liaise with other organisations and providers with regard to any financial matters.

Secretary: with responsibility for maintaining the membership list, organising and maintaining the EABA web site, liaising with the European Journal of Behaviour Analysis in terms of distribution lists and minuting EABA Board of Directors meetings.

Basic science representative: with responsibility for ensuring that the experimental analysis of behaviour is represented in the activities of the organisation, including but not limited to setting criteria for membership, selecting invited conference speakers, arranging training events, and promoting student awards.

Applied science representative: with responsibility for ensuring that the applied analysis of behaviour is represented in the activities of the organisation, including but not limited to setting criteria for membership, selecting invited conference speakers, arranging training events, and promoting student awards, as well as serving as the Association’s BACB ACE Coordinator for the length of board membership and ensuring smooth transition of coordinator duties to the subsequent applied science representative.

In the event of the resignation of a member of the Board of Directors, lengthy absence or incapacity, the Board of Directors may, by a two-thirds vote, decide to:

  1. Hold a special election to replace Board members before the normal voting cycle if the remainder of said Board member’s term is over one year.
  2. Appoint a new member to the Board of Directors, by two-thirds vote, if the remainder of said Board member’s term is less than one year.

Board members are not obliged to share reasons for resignation and correspondence with the EABA Board of Directors on the matter will remain confidential.

The Board of Directors shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association, performing the duties and abiding by the limitations specified in these by-laws. Actions of the Board of Directors that affect Association policy are subject to approval by a majority vote of the full members either voting at the bi-annual meeting, or by a special electronic ballot as decided by the Board of Directors. A request for an electronic ballot of the membership of the association may be initiated either by the Board of Directors or by five percent (5%) of members within at least 5 different countries. Results of the electronic ballot that reports votes of over 50% of all voting members constitutes the final decision for the Association with regard to that matter.

Meetings of the Board of Directors should be held periodically and no less than three meetings should be held per year. The minimum number of Directors present at the meeting to endorse a decision should be three (3) out of the five (5) voting members. No proxy voting is allowed.

Elections for each of the Board of Directors positions shall be held every two years in late August/early September. The elections will be staggered to ensure some continuity for the Board of Directors. The Secretary and Treasurer elections will occur the year before each bi-annual conference. The President, the Basic and Applied Science representative elections will be held on the same year as the bi-annual conference.

Candidates should be in good standing at the time of their proposal of the candidature. Three months before each two-year election cycle, the Election Committee will communicate (to all full members) criteria for presentation of candidatures and voting procedures.

Should candidates run unopposed in an election, the Election Committee will request candidate statements to confirm suitability for the post and appoint them to the Board.  Should candidates be deemed unsuitable for the post, the deadline for nominations of candidates for elections to the board will be extended. 

Each member of the Board of Directors may be re-elected for a second two-year term, but must then wait for at least two years (one full term) before re-submitting their candidacy for any other position on the Board of Directors.

The president will serve a two-year term, at the end of which she or he automatically becomes past president. The past president will serve from one to two years in this position, at his or her own discretion. As individuals elected for the presidency will serve on the board for three to four consecutive years (two years as president plus one to two years as past president) past presidents will not be eligible for re-election to the board of directors before at last two years have passed.

Article VI – Committees

Special committees will be established by the Board of Directors to pursue specific goals of the Association. Such committees will have a chair appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.

The Membership Committee has responsibility to secure and review evidence concerning the membership qualifications of all candidates in terms of their proposed membership or changes of membership status.

The Election Committee has responsibility to secure nominations from Association members and shall ascertain whether the nominees are qualified and willing to serve if elected. The Election Committee has responsibility for making a preferential count of the election ballots and reporting the results to the Board of Directors. The Election Committee will be comprised of one of the Board of Directors (provided that they are not a nominee for any of the positions) and two or more external committee members.

Article VII – Activities

In order to enhance and evolve the field of behaviour analysis, the Association will hold a scientific congress every two years. To better support its activities throughout Europe the congress should always be hosted in a different country (as far as is practical). Local organizing committees willing to host the congress should present their candidacy two years in advance.

The Association may engage in activities designed to accomplish its purposes, including:

  • Establishing or acquiring newsletters, journals, and other publications
  • Establishing and maintaining websites, email lists, and other information media
  • Facilitating any relevant education and training criteria including promoting public education

The Board of Directors may provide for the formation and dissolution of student affiliate groups, special interest groups, and other committees and units within the Association.

Article VIII – Rules of Procedure

The rules and laws of the country in which the Association is established, and all relevant EU regulations, shall govern the Association, its activities and policies.

Article IX – Assembly

The board is responsible for organizing a yearly general assembly meeting. The meeting will be scheduled during conference every second year and via a digital platform in September the other year. 

The association will send a detailed budget annually to all active members between September 1st and no later than September 30th. This will be sent digitally, via the email address provided for membership application. The association is subject to a number of recurring expenses annually (for example; biannual conference, board of directors annual meeting, website maintenance, dissemination grant). Where an expense that is not directly related to the organisation’s regular activity exceeds 4000 euros OR 10% of the association’s total monetary asset at the time of the incurred expense, this must be approved by all active members. The association will provide a breakdown of the deviated expense and a statement of necessity for the expense directly to active member email addresses. Members who wish to refute this expense must respond to the email within 10 days in order to open up further discussion and collaborate on a resolution.

Article X – Amendments

These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members who reply to an email ballot sent to the total membership. By-law amendments may be initiated by the Board of Directors or by petition of five percent (5%) of the total membership.

The Board of Directors may, at any time, appoint a special committee to review the by-laws and to make recommendations with regard to any changes to them.

Article XI – Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution or termination of the Association, all of the assets, titles to and possession of the property of the Association shall pass to one or more European non-profit scientific and professional organization as decided by the Board of Directors.